
Friday, September 17, 2021

Inferencing Slides

 Hello readers!

For 2 days we have started and finished 3 slides about inferencing. If you dont know what inference is. Inferencing is basically trying to figure out what an item or a book is about. By looking at the clues from in the text or a little bit from a text. I love inferencing about everything because it is a fun thing to do. So this activity was so fun for me to do. There were some things that either did not make sense to me. Or it was just a little harder than some others. But overall it was a fun activity to do and complete.

Anyways here is my work.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ancient vs Modern Olympics

 Hello readers! 

In Mrs Jones group today we are learning about the olympics in tokyo. So today our group Tom fletcher did a worksheet about the modern olympics vs the ancient olympics. We all know about the modern but not many people know about the ancient. So we did a worksheet where we cut out some pieces of writing and then put it other ancient or modern. The worksheet was a little bit tricky cause some where confusing to me but overall i liked the worksheet. I think i did good with the worksheet cause i got it done in a reasonable time and also it was easy to know where to put some pieces on to the paper.

Anyways here is the worksheet!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Arthur Lydiard

 Hello readers!

For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about famous champions. That competed in the olympics back in the day. Couple of weeks ago i started creating a olympic champion profile about the all star around the world Arthur lydiard. He inspired many people because of what he did when competing in the olympics. He made many people be like him when he created a book called run to the top.

Anyways here is the olympic Champion profile!

Violet Walrond

 Hello readers!

Today and also yesterday we were learning about a famous swimmer from Nz called Violet Walrond. She is titled the youngest woman to compete in the olympics in those times. And she is the first woman from NZ to go to the olympics. In 1920 she went to the olympics with a team of 4 and her dad the coach. Since there weren't many planes in New Zealand back in the old days. They took boats to go to the olympics which the olympics she went to was at germany. I am telling to much so you can read the athlete profile. 

Here is the athlete profile!

Athlete profile of Sam Dickson

 Hello readers!

For a couple of weeks we have been learning about a all star athlete Sam Dickson. He is apart of the rugby 7s team and plays for NZ. So after learning about him and learning some facts on different websites. We made a athlete profile about him and all the facts we found. We had a photo of him in the middle and then wrote some facts about him on the outside of the photo. Some things that were challenging collecting all the facts from the websites. But overall i think i did good doing the athlete profile about Sam.

Here is a photo!


Monday, August 9, 2021

Olympic Champion Profile

 Hello readers!

For the last couple of weeks we have been learning about the olympics that has been happening in Tokyo. This week we made a profile about the gymnast Nadia Comaneci. Nadia was a all star gymnast and was famous for the performance in the olympics that she did on the uneven bars and the 6 other events. When she was 14 she competed in the olympics in 1976 and she won lots of medals cause of the performance she made. 

Here is the profile picture!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Classroom objects and colors

 Hello readers!

For the last two weeks we have been learning about the classroom objects and colors in te reo maori. The first part of this lesson was we learn the objects and colors in te reo and english. Then we created a google drawing and then we had to pick a object from the photo that our teacher put on the google drawing. And then this part we chose 10 objects from the classroom photo and then write the color and the object name in maori. It was kinda difficult for me personally cause i had to keep checking on my book for what to do. But overall i think the rest was okay for me!

Here is my google drawing!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Olympics match the sport to venue

 Hello readers!

Today i started and finished a match the sport to the venue. Which is a google drawing and matching the sport in the Olympics, to where that sport was played. I think it was a bit of easy and hard mixed together completing this google drawing. One of them is hard cause the back round is blurred and it looked like a long stick. Which i think that sport is pole vaulting where you jump over a pole. 

Anyways here is the google drawing!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Digital Pixel Art

 Hello readers!

Once again i am back with another digital pixel art. Today's picture i am marking my favorite out of all. So this digital pixel art was a mountain with purple in the filling. And a sun looking meteorite which is in the left corner of the page. And some clouds and grass in the picture as well. This digital pixel art was another multiplication which is basically times tables.

Anyways here is mine!


Hello readers!

Yesterday we started a DLO about stars. There is actually heaps of different stars in the galaxy and space.  I hope you like my DLO i made

Here it is!


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Digital Pixel Art 3

Hello readers! 

Today i started and finished creating a pixel art spreadsheet. This is the second time i did this and i think it looks cuter than last time. This time it multiplication which it is time tables. If you did not see my last blog post. A digital pixel art is made on a spreadsheet. And it is where you have to answer questions to create a beautiful picture.

Anyways here is mine!


Brain Teaser

 Hello readers!

Today i started a brain teaser to get my brain ready for the day. This brain teaser is all about fruits and figuring out what number is the fruits. Then it was put into a question and we had to figure out what was the answer of question that it gave us. Maybe you should have a try!

Here is mine!

Planet DLO

Hello readers!

In the past couple of weeks we have been learning about our solar system. And all about the planets,stars,sun,dwarf planets and all sorts. After we have been learning all of that, a couple of weeks ago my whole class have started a DLO about the planets. This DLO includes information about the planets. And also includes how many moons it has and how hot or cold it is. Or even some crazy facts about that planet we never knew about. Maybe comment what favorite fact you have learned about a planet.

Here is mine!


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Digital Pixel Art

 Hello readers!

Today we tested our knowledge and done a spreadsheet answering questions to create a picture. It is called digital pixel art where you answer questions. Who ever made the digital pixel art spreadsheet. Makes it so if you get the question wrong the side turns red and no square turns a color to create a picture. But if you get it right the side will turn green and the square will turn a color to create that picture. When you get all the questions right it will create a picture.

Here is mine!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

ANZAC Cinquain poem

 Hello readers!

Mrs Jones group yesterday and today have started a cinquain poem about Anzac. This poem is like a diamante poem. Instead the last two lines are different. The second to last line is write a short statement about the top noun. And the last line is to write a synonym the top noun. The rest are the same like the top line has to be a noun about the story. Then the second line has to be two adjectives. And the third line is describing the noun which is a verb.

Anyways here is what i created!

ANZAC Diamante poem

 Hello readers! 

Last week i started making a diamante poem, A diamante poem is like a diamond  poem with adjectives verbs and nouns. So the first has to be a noun of what the story your talking about. Then second is two adjectives that describes the noun. Then three verbs that is actions about the first noun and then it goes three verbs two adjectives and another noun.

Here is mine!

Anzac Haiku

Hello readers!

Yesterday Mrs Jones writing group and i started creating a haiku about Anzac. Let me explain what a haiku is. A haiku is a poem about syllables. There is 5 Syllables in the first 7 syllables in the middle and 5 syllables at the end. My poem was about Anzac. Anzac is a very special holiday for everyone. It is about remembering those who went into war. 

Here it is!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How the south island was made

A couple of weeks ago me and my group Kyle, Cadie,Tyler, Freyja and me made these slides of how the south island was made for inquiry. We had to record our voices while the rest does the sounds we chose to do on that slide. 

These are the people who recorded there voices

  1. Kyle 
  2. Me/ Jahnaleigh
  3. Freyja
  4. Jahnaleigh
  5. Me/ Jahnaleigh
We used the online voice recording for this and the first up was the one and only Kyle he did the introducing of the slide and told the title. Second was me Jahnaleigh and i was talking about the characters in the story. Then third was my friend Freyja and she was saying how the wife of one of the characters was heartbroken. Then fourth was me again and i was saying that they performed the karakia incorrectly. Then last it was me again and i was saying that they freezed to death and that was how to create the south island.

Now im spilling to much tea.
Here it is!

Monday, April 12, 2021

All about Kererū

 Hello my readers!

Over the past week we have been learning about a native bird called kereru. Today i did a slide about kererū and what is something unique about them. 

Here it is

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Pouaki The Glutton

 Today i did a screencastify of a legend Called Pouaki the glutton. 

Here it is!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Coded Hundreds Board

Hello My Readers!

Today Miss McLeod's math group did this coded hundreds board. This coded hundreds board is not a regular hundreds board that has numbers on it but has codes instead of numbers.

You Should Make A Copy And Try It. But you have to rotate one block

Here is my one

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Tasting Test

 Hello My Readers!

Today with my teacher Miss McNeill we did a taste test. At first i was thinking bad things was going to happen before we started. And that happen not at the start but towards the end. So we had to close our eyes and guess what we had in our hands or on the table. 

This is the list we had

  1. Honey
  2. Lemon
  3. Ham
  4. Coffee
  5. Chips
The first thing we did was honey. So as i said we closed our eyes and Miss McNeill put it on the table for because it was in a cup otherwise it would be in my hand. And we had to smell. And it smelled like raisins which was not bad. But cause i do not like honey i did not like the taste. 

Second was lemon and it was very sweet. As usual i closed my eyes and got something put in my hand. I was confused until i blurted out it was lemon after i tried it. And the lemon was good to eat. Cause after that i took one more lemon to eat after the taste test.

Third i had Ham and that was probably the best out of all. Cause who doesn't like Ham. And this time instead of smelling it i ate it straight away without hesitation. Cause i knew it was Ham

Fourth we had the coffee and the coffee was suggested by my reading teacher Mrs Jones. And since kids do not like coffee. We spat it out and had water.Everyone started complaining after we went back to tell Mrs Jones off.Cause of what she suggested.And i want to say the coffee was cold.

The last was potato chips! i loved them because they were salty and nice. But the only problem was that it was very hard to crunch. 

I learnt that Children have more taste buds. Cause kids have 10,000 taste buds and adults have 5,000 taste buds . That is because adults have to much hot coffee. 

Here are some photos!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Retelling The Legend

 Hello My Readers

Last week we started retelling a legend about a bird called pouaki. Pouaki is a bird that is called a gluten. And he did not do great things.

Here is my retell

There was a bird called Pouāki that on a mountain called Mt Torlesse.There was water that had been shaped that was from that mountain to sea. And on the mountain there was Raupo,Toi Toi and Harakeke.

Every single day Pouāki would sit on that mountain and wait until hunters from a Pā would find food.The glutton would swoop down and scoop them and take them back to he/his nest and then eat them.This keeps happening everyday until Ruru (One of the people in the Pā) had a plan. 

Ruru chose 40 of the bravest men to go on this mission. Overnight Ruru and his 40 men built a cage for them.As soon as they were finished building the cage they made sure that the door was easy to shut and lock.Then Ruru waited in front of Pouāki’s nest until he had to run from Pouāki.

Ruru ran into the cage with the other 40 men and started a fight. Some people manged to cut of his two claws.By then he killed some people.Then people cut of his wings so he had no way of attacking them. By then Pouāki had killed many of the men and only a quarter men alive.Then when he couldn't attack. Ruru and his other people started to clubbed Pouāki to death.

Then they had a feeling that Pouāki had children.So they climbed Mt Torlesse and halfway through they heard this beautiful noise.They thought it was Pouāki little's morning for them. So they memorize the sound and keeped climbing. As they reached the top, without hesitation they killed the little ones. Then after that they could catch the food they wanted and eat.They lived happily ever after.

Friday, March 12, 2021

My best friend

 Hello my readers 

A couple of weeks ago we made a description of our own best friends.Then when we wrote all that information into a template which looks like what i am going to show you.

Here is the template.

Maths Questions

Hello my readers

Today my teacher has set our homeroom some questions to see what things we can do in math.These are all about statistics.

Here they are

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Retelling a legend

 Hello my readers

So today i did a retell about a story of how the south island was made.

Here you go.

First rangi (sky farther) had married Pokoharua-te-po.Then later on they had four children.Their names were Aoraki (The eldest son) ,Rakiroa,Rakirua and Rarakiroa.The all had simular names instead of Aoraki.So then they found out that rangi their farther had fallen in love with Papatuanuku (Earth mother).

Before their farther rangi left to see the earth mother.The four sons jumped into the waka Te waka o Aoraki.And then they said a karakia to go back down to earth and see what and why Rangi was intrested in her instead of their mother.

As they were seing why Rangi their farther didnt like their mother they were more intrested to find land.But there was mostly sea to look at.As they were looking for land they found that a storm was forming.They thought it was their farther telling them to come back home.

So then the eldest son Aoraki said a karakia to make the storm ease and the waka to go back into the heavens.While the other younger brothers was shocked and scared.Their older brother got the karakia wrong and made a mistake.

Instead of rising the were sinking and Te waka o Aoraki had fliped over.So the sons swam on top and it seemed that the western side was much higher than the eastern.So the brothers had to huddle and lean on one side.As they were doing this their hair turned white.And soon they had turn to stone.

Then the brothers turned into mountains and made the southern alps. And the waka turned into the south island.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

All About Eels

A couple of days ago we have been learning about eels.Eels do not have a life cycle like us but its very different.Last week we went to a marae (Te pa o moki).This marae is all the way out in Leston. Clem Smith taught us a lot about eels and show us their life cycle.

This is how a eels life cycle is. First they can stay in Lake Ellesmere for as long as they want.So then if they want to have babies they go near Hawaii in the warm water.After that they have a dad and the mum.And the dad has to squeeze the mum to a ton of eggs come out.

But unfortunately the mum and dad die.But then the eggs turn into baby's (Larva).Then they have a scent of their mum and dad and follow their trail back Lake Ellesmere.Then they grow until they are adults.

Here are some photos of the eels we saw and the life cycle.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Guinea pigs

 Hello my readers today i made a DLO about guinea pigs

Here its is