
Friday, November 1, 2019

Spring flower festival

Today we did a flower festival competition were we had to build or make a flower it was amazing when i finshed

Monday, October 14, 2019

Fish tank brain teaser

Today in my maths group we done a brainteasr called Fish tank and we had to figure out how many black fish and gold there was sixty-three fish and my answer was twenty-one black fish and forty-two gold fish beacause it said there are some black fish and heaps of gold fish and i took away three and did forty plus twenty and that equals sixty then i took the forty and the twenty then since it said there are some black so i put one into twenty for the black and put two in the forty.

Tell me your answer

Friday, September 27, 2019

Trip to the Marae

Today my class and the other class went to a Marae in New Brighton called Nga hau e wha we had to go on the bus to get there soon as we got there there was a person called Jazmine lead us in the Marae and soon as she said Tehae we had to said mauri ora and people shooted up the gates and welcomed us in there Marae we had to sit down and watch them perform on the stage and after that they performed Maui and him finding his Mother and Maui and him finding his farther it was so amazing performance after that we got to split into a girls and boys group and the boys got to learn a haka and the girls got to learn how to use a poi then the girls got to play a game with the boys and we had to go outside to have our morning tea then we had to watch the people perform and we had to leave back to school on a bus.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Numbers in hiding brainteaser

Today our math group done a brainteaser called Numbers in hiding we had to read the questions and we had numbers up on top on the sheet we had to use the numbers and put then in them answer line it was challenging but soon as i found out the other questions i found out the answers to the others

Tell me your answers

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Logic Puzzle problem

Today in maths we done a logic puzzle called 3 colors we had to choose three colors us for coloring in with we had to color but the same color has to be somewhere else we only had to color different places

This is what i did


Monday, September 9, 2019

Pirate treasure brain teaser

Today our group done a brainteaser about pirates and treasure we had to figure out the answer and my answer was four because it said the boat can take 2 pirates or one pirates and 1 treasure chest then it said how many trips do the pirates have to take to get all the treasure and both pirates on the ship,since it said it only can take one treasure chest and there is 4 so my answer is four

Tell me your answer

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Texting time

Today my maths group done a brain teaser called texting time and we had to answer some questions one was tricky and one was easy                                                                                                                so the first question was how many words can she type in three minutes and my answer was 70 and the second question was how many text messages can she write in four minutes and my answer was eight

Tell me what your answer is


Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.